Reduce the Movement Speed of all combatants by 25% except for Palmera. Target all enemies and deal 170% of ATK as Physical Damage, reducing their Movement Speed by 25% for 8 seconds. Also remove all enemy Attack Speed buffs.
Lv. 2: Increase damage to 190% of ATK.
Lv. 3: Increase damage to 215% of ATK.
Lv. 4: Increase damage to 240% of ATK.
Wrath of Frost
Target a random enemy, deal 175% of ATK as Physical Damage, and reduce their Attack Speed by 10% for 8 seconds. For each 1% reduction in Attack Speed, damage they receive increases by 2%. This effect can be stacked and will refresh the duration when reapplied.
Lv. 2: Increase damage to 190% of ATK.
Lv. 3: Increase damage to 210% of ATK.
Lv. 4: Increase damage to 225% of ATK.
Lv. 5: Increase damage to 245% of ATK.
Armour of Ice
Every 20 seconds gain the ability to negate a single negative effect.
Lv. 2: Decrease to 16 seconds.
Lv. 3: Decrease to 12 seconds.
Lv. 4: Decrease to 8 seconds.
Lv. 5: Decrease to 4 seconds.
Palmera channels Hydris as if it were a pathway, following its influence to victory in battle. She's a master at manipulating the emotions of others and can easily get what she wants-and what she wants more than anything is to see the Dread's corruption cast out once and for all.