Target all enemies and deal 150% of Attack as Magic Damage. Damage is increased by 2% for every 1% HP the target is missing.
Lv. 2: Increase damage to 170% of ATK.
Lv. 3: Increase damage to 190% of ATK.
Lv. 4: Increase damage to 210% of ATK.
Soul Harvest
Target all enemies and deal 80% of ATK as Magic Damage, taking 50% of the total damage and using it to recover HP evenly amongst all Guardians.
Lv. 2: Increase damage to 100% of ATK
Lv. 3: Increase damage to 120% of ATK.
Lv. 4: Increase damage to 140% of ATK.
Lv. 5: Increase damage to 160% of ATK.
Soul Consumption
When a non-summoned combatant on the field dies, recover HP equal to 20% of their Max HP, up to a max of 600% of your ATK.
Lv. 2: HP recovery increased to 25%, up to a max of 750% of your ATK
Lv. 3: HP recovery increased to 30%, up to a max of 900% of your ATK
Lv. 4: HP recovery increased to 35%, up to a max of 1050% of your ATK
Lv. 5: HP recovery increased to 40%, up to a max of 1200% of your ATK
Elohatt finds solace amongst the dead. When he practiced necromancy, others saw Elohatt as a vile monster and exiled him to the dreary Deadlands to rot. But to Elohatt, it is Elderym that is vile. And
he has the power to change it... one corpse at a time.