Sweeping Spray
Passive: Basic Attacks have a 10% chance to add a stack of Fatigue, reducing Attack Speed by 1% per stack.
Active: Bronwyn sweeps an Energy beam in arc dealing 200% of AT as Magic Damage to enemies hit. Enemies with Fatigue lose 2% of HP per stack, and have Fatigue cleansed.
Lv. 2: Increase damage to 220% of ATK
Lv. 3: Increase damage to 240% of ATK.
Lv. 4: Increase damage to 260% of ATK.
Gathering Storm
Bronwyn summons a storm cloud on an enemy for 3 seconds, the cloud unleashes a lightning bolt every 0.5 seconds that deals 40% of ATK as Magic Damage and applies a stack of Fatigue
Lv. 2: Increase damage to 45% of ATK.
Lv. 3: Increase damage to 50% of ATK.
Lv. 4: Increase damage to 55% of ATK.
Lv. 5: Increase damage to 60% of ATK.
Linked Fates
Bronwyn Links two enemies for 8 seconds. Each suffers maximum stacks of Fatigue while the Link lasts. When one Linked enemy takes damage the other takes an additional 20% of that damage.
Lv. 2: Additional Damage increased to 30%.
Lv. 3: Additional Damage increased to 40%.
Lv. 4: Additional Damage increased to 50%.
Lv. 5: Additional Damage increased to 60%.
United Front
While in Combat Bronwyn links the fates of all allied units. Any single target damage taken by an Ally is reduced by 20% and shared amongst all other living allies.
Lv. 2: Shared Damage increased to 30%.
Lv. 3: Shared Damage increased to 40%.
Lv. 4: Shared Damage increased to 50%
Lv. 5: Shared Damage increased to 60%.
After years of service, Bronwyn has finally established herself as a commander. She serves as a strong
leader, keeping her troops focused and honest; she doesn't tolerate any wrongdoing. But she comes down much more harshly on her enemies-especially the Dread's creatures.